Swimming with dolphins

On the way to the Dominican Republic, we encountered whales.
That was really nice, because then a really big tail came out of the sea and then clattered super hard on the water.
It was a shame, though, that it was very far away.
When we arrived at the anchorage we went on land to rent a car.
The next day we went for a drive across the country in the little car.
We were actually going to go to a waterfall but then suddenly we saw a dolphinarium sign.
We were going to follow that sign.
It ended at a very nice dolphin park.
You were even allowed to swim with dolphins there.
I begged to be allowed to do that.
In the end, it was allowed.
Before we could swim with the dolphins, there was a dolphin show.
That was incredibly clever.
After half an hour, it could finally happen.
We had to gather at the dolphins.
That's where you got life jackets on.
There was a large group.
You were allowed to do some tricks with the dolphins.
Like lying down on the water and then 2 dolphins start pushing their noses against your feet, pushing you forward.
And holding on to the dolphins' dorsal fin so you go through the water really fast.
And you got to hug them and give them kisses.
Unfortunately, it was over after that.
But it was super fun!
I miss you guys very much and field hockey especially.


One thought on “Zwemmen met dolfijnen

  1. Anonymous

    Dear Eline,
    How fun that must have been for you, finally swimming with dolphins! In the pictures's it looks fantastic....
    I can well imagine that you miss your own class and also the field hockey. But once you are back, all that will start again and you will be used to it! But first just keep discovering the world! I really hope that next year you will come and tell something about your experiences in my group, together with Marinthe...
    Fortunately spring is already starting a bit here and it 's not dark for so long in the morning and 's light for longer in the evening...By the way, how is it with you?
    Many sweet greetings, of course to Marinthe as well!

    miss Fieke

    Oh yes, you guys are real kiddies that you keep working so well for school. We are almost getting reports again, in my opinion you would almost all get 'goodies'....
